Povijest Društva Marjan

1903. – 09. svibnja osniva se Društvo Marjan kako bi pošumljavanje i uređenje Marjana dobilo što veći zamah. Prof. Juraj Kolombatović postaje prvi predsjednik. Sustavno pošumljavanje Marjana nastavilo se sve do 50.-ih godina 20.-og stoljeća. Dan osnivanja Društva Marjan ujedno je i Dan Marjana koji se tradicionalno obilježava u prvu nedjelju nakon proslave sv. Duje;

May 9, the Marjan Association was founded in order to give the reforestation and landscaping of Marjan as much momentum as possible. Prof. Juraj Kolombatovic becomes the first president. The systematic reforestation of Marjan continued until the 1950s. The founding day of the Marjan Association is also Marjan Day, which is traditionally celebrated on the first Sunday after the celebration of St. Domnius, the patron saint of Split;

Osnivanje Društva Marjan – Stanko Piplović

Establishment of the Marjan Association- Stanko Piplović

1903. – Društvo gradi put od Velog Varoša do prvog Marjanskog vrha;

The Association builds a road from the neighborhood of Veli Varoš to the first of three Marjan peaks;

1905. – Dobrovoljnim prilozima izgrađuje Društvo put i do drugog vrha Marjana. Također su uređena dva vidikovca na istaknutim mjestima brda Marjan;

With voluntary contributions, the Association builds a road to the second of Marjan’s peaks. They also create two lookouts on Mount Marjan;

1906. – Društvo Marjan podiže drveni restoran na Prvom vrhu;

The Marjan Association builds a wooden restaurant on the First Peak;

1907. – Stari put do prvog vrha, iza Židovskog groblja, Društvo rekonstruira i pretvara ga u stubište;

The old road to the First Peak, behind the Jewish cemetery, is converted by the Association into a stone staircase;

1908. – Društvo Marjan uređuje nekoliko vidilica na južnoj strani Marjana na mjestu nazvanom Vilini dvori;

The Marjan Association creates several lookouts on the south side of Marjan in a place called Vilini dvori (‘Fairies’ Castle’);

1908. – Umro je inicijator pošumljavanja Marjana i osnutka Društva Marjan prof. Juraj Kolombatović. U njegovu počast na istočnoj strani zgrade Prirodoslovnog muzeja posađen je čempres i postavljena spomen ploča;

The initiator of the reforestation of Marjan and the founding father of the Marjan Association, prof. Juraj Kolombatović dies. In his honor, a cypress is planted on the east side of the Natural History Museum and a memorial plaque is erected;

1908. – Predsjednik Društva Marjan postaje dr. Šimun Tudor;

Dr. Šimun Tudor becomes the President of the Marjan Association;

1909. – Požar uništava drveni restoran Društva Marjan na Prvom vrhu, a požrtvovnošću Varošana spriječen je požar šume;

A fire destroys the wooden restaurant on the First Peak, but the effort of the inhabitants of Varoš prevents the fire;

1909. – Društvo Marjan sa članskim prilozima izgradilo je mali restoran na Prvom vrhu, kao i teren za igranje na balote i streljanu;

The Marjan Association, with its membership fees, builds a small restaurant on the First Peak, as well as a field for playing bulle and a shooting range;

Restoran nekad

1912. – Uređeno je igralište za djecu pored malog restorana na Prvom vrhu;

A playground for children is built next to the small restaurant on the First Peak;

1913. – Na Marjanu Društvo postavlja putokaze i oznake sa nazivima biljaka na hrvatskom i latinskom;

The Association erects throughout Marjan signposts as well as signs with the names of plants in Croatian and Latin;

1913. – Društvo na Prvom vrhu gradi i otvara novi veliki restoran sa dvoranom od 200 metara četvornih i balkonom za glazbu;

The Association builds and opens a new larger restaurant on the First Peak with a 200 square-meter hall and a terrace for concerts;

1919. – Predsjednikom Društva Marjan postaje dr. Jakša Račić koji je bio predsjednik Društva 25 godina;

Dr. Jakša Račić becomes President of the Marjan Association and serves for the next 25 years;

1919. – Obnovljena crkvica sv. Nikole;

Church of St. Nicholas is restored;

1921. – Društvo nabavlja sa Visa veći broj palmi koje su zasađene uz Račićev put (Botićevo šetalište);

The Association procures a large number of palm trees from the island of Vis, which are planted along Račić’s Path (Botićevo šetalište);

1922. – Društvo Marjan prema projektu svoga člana ing. Petra Senjanovića uz pomoć općine završava izgradnju kamenog stubišta od obale do Židovskog groblja koja je trajala  od 1920. do 1922., a put do Sv. Nikole je betoniran i omeđen jakom kamenom ogradom;

Based on a project on Association member and engineer Petar Senjanović, and with the help of local government, the Marjan Association completes the two year-long construction of a stone staircase from the seashore to the Jewish cemetery. A concrete walkway leading to St. Nicola’s church is also built, bordered by a stone fence;


Ing. Petar Senjanović – Građevinski radovi na Marjanu

1924. – Počinju radovi na uređenju drugog vrha Marjana. Biskup dr. Klement Bonefačić obilazi gradilište i polaže u fond Društva Marjan 400 dinara. Tvornica cementa Dalmacija iz Kaštel Sučurca daruje 10 vagona cementa. U kolovozu iste godine radovi su završeni zajedno sa pristupom od Prvog vrha sa 378 stepenica od bijelog kamena;

Work on the Second peak of Marjan begins. Bishop Dr. Klement Bonefačić ​​visits the construction site and contributes 400 dinars (about 5000 euros in today’s value) to the Marjan Association. Cement factory Dalmacija from Kaštel Sućurac donates 10 wagons of cement. In August of the same year, the works are completed and connected to the First Peak by 378 white stone steps;

1925. – Društvo Marjan otpočelo je i završilo  izgradnju puta od sv. Jere do sv. Jurja na rtu Marjana, nekadašnjeg hrama božice Dijane;

The Marjan Association begins and completes the construction of the road from St. Jerome to St. George on Cape Marjan, the former temple of the goddess Diana;

1925. – U zgradi velikog restorana Društva Marjan utemeljuje se Prirodoslovni muzej, velika dvorana restorana se pregrađuje i tu smještaju kolekcije prepariranih sisavaca, ptica, riba i školjki. Kustos muzeja postaje profesor Umberto Girometta;

The Natural History Museum is founded in the building of the large restaurant of the Marjan Association.The large hall of the restaurant is partitioned and houses collections of taxidermied mammals, birds, fish and shellfish. Professor Umberto Girometta becomes the curator of the Museum;

1926. – Na inicijativu Društva Marjan ograđuje se marjanska šuma sa visokom žičanom ogradom;

At the initiative of the Marjan Association, the Marjan forest is fenced with a high wire fence;

1927. – Postavlja se bista prof. Juraju Kolombatoviću (rad kipara Ivana Bulimbašića), prvom predsjedniku Društva Marjan, na istočnom dijelu zgrade Prirodoslovnog muzeja;

A bust by sculptor Ivan Bulimbašić of Professor Juraj Kolombatović, the first president of the Marjan Association, is erected in the eastern part of the Natural History Museum building;

1927. – Velika suša pogađa Dalmaciju, Društvo na Marjanu ograđuje biljke kamenjem kako ne bi gubile vodu i organizira donošenje vode za zalijevanje. Izgubljena je samo trećina nasada;

A great drought hits Dalmatia. The Marjan Association rings the plants with stones so that they do not lose water and organizes irrigation. Their effort saves two-thirds of Marjan’s vegetation;

1927. – Društvo Marjan obnavlja crkvicu Gospe od Betlema i izgrađuje prilaznu kamenu skalinadu;

The Marjan Association restores the Church of Our Lady of Bethlehem and builds a stone staircase;

1929. – Društvo na nekoliko mjesta na Marjanu postavlja ploče sa stihovima Luke Botića i Jerolima Kavanjina;

The Association places plaques with verses by Luka Botić and Jerolim Kavanjin in several places on Marjan;

Luka Botić - Kavanjin

1930. – Uz pomoć općine Društvo Marjan otkupljuje od težaka težačka prava i poboljšice na Marjanu te time olakšava planove za pošumljenje i poljepšanje Marjana;

With the help of the municipality, the Marjan Association buys farmer’s rights and easements on Marjan, thus facilitating plans for reforestation and beautification of Marjan;

1930. – Na Marjanskom putu posađen čempres u čast drugog predsjednika Društva Marjan dr. Šimuna Tudora (na spomen ploči pogrešno je napisano PRVOG PREDSJEDNIKA DRUŠTVA MARJAN);

A cypress is planted on Marjan’s Path in honor of the second president of the Marjan Association, Dr. Šimun Tudor (unfortunately the memorial plaque is misprinted with “First President of the Marjan Association”);

U tekstu na ploči je pogrešno upisano PRVOG , umjesto DRUGOG PREDSJEDNIKA DRUŠTVA MARJAN

U tekstu na ploči je pogrešno upisano “PRVOG” , umjesto “DRUGOG PREDSJEDNIKA DRUŠTVA MARJAN”

1936. – Na jugozapadnom djelu zgrade Prirodoslovnog muzeja, uz sudjelovanje Društva Marjan, postavljena je spomen ploča prvom pošumljivaču Marjana, šumarskom nadzorniku Henriku Friedlu;

In the southwestern part of the building of the Natural History Museum, with the participation of the Marjan Association, a memorial plaque is erected in honor of the first forester of Marjan, forestry supervisor Henrik Friedl;


1940. – Društvo Marjan podiže spomenik (rad akademskog kipara Iva Mirkovića) profesoru Humbertu Girometti preminulom 27. travnja 1937. godine na Marjanu;

The Marjan Association erects a monument on Marjan (the work of the academic sculptor Ivo Mirković) to honor Professor Umberto Girometta, who died on April 27, 1937;


1941. – Održana posljednja skupština Društva prije okupacije i Drugog svjetskog rata;

The last assembly of the Association is held before the occupation and the Second World War;

1944. – Predsjedništvo nad Društvom preuzima slikar Emanuel Vidović;

The renowned painter Emanuel Vidović assumes the presidency of the Association;

1951. – Društvo nakon završetka II sv. rata obnavlja svoj rad;

After the end of World War II, the Association resumes its work;

1951. – Društvo Marjan pored vile “Badovinac” (“Šore”) osniva i stavlja u produkciju rasadnik iz kojeg u suradnji s Višom pedagoškom školom, nastaje Botanički vrt;

The Marjan Association, , founds and puts into production a nursery next to villa Badovinac (also known as “Šore”). In cooperation with the College of Pedagogy, the nursery eventually develops into the Botanical Garden;

1953. – Društvo Marjan nakon velike akcije dovodi pitku vodu na Prvi vrh;

After a major effort, the Marjan Association brings drinking water to the First Peak;


1956. – Izgrađena lugarnica na Benama;

A lodge is built in Bene;

1958. – Društvo Marjan izgradilo je na Prvoj vidilici kod Židovskog groblja mali kameni kiosk – suvenirnicu;

The Marjan Association builds a small stone kiosk – a souvenir shop at the First Lookout near the Jewish Cemetery;


1963. – U suradnji s Muzejom grada Splita Društvo organizira veliku izložbu o Marjanu i njegovom značenju i za tu prigodu izrađuje veliku maketu poluotoka Marjan u mjerilu 1:1000 (maketa je s manjim oštećenjima,  još uvijek sačuvana i nalazi se u kući u Botaničkom vrtu);

In cooperation with the Museum of the City of Split, the Association organizes a large exhibition about Marjan and its significance. For this occasion a large model of the Marjan Peninsula is constructed at a scale of 1: 1000. Though somewhat deteriorated, the model can still be found in the Botanical Garden house;

1963. – U čast 60 godina osnivanja Društva Marjan uređuje se spomen ploča na monumentalnim skalama na Trumbićevoj obali, na početku Botićevog šetališta;

In honor of the 60th anniversary of the founding of the Marjan Association, a memorial plaque is erected on the grand straircase on Trumbićeva Obala, at the beginning of Botić’s Promenade;

1964. – Upornim djelovanja Društva, Marjan se proglašava posebnim zaštićenim objektom prirode;

Thanks to the persistent efforts of the Association, Marjan is declared a specially protected natural asset;

Rješenje od 16.12.1964. godine – park – šuma

1964. – Svečano je otvorena nova lugarnica na Sedlu koju je podiglo Društvo Marjan, Ustanova za gradske parkove  i javne nasade i Narodni odbor općine Split;

A new lodge on Sedlo is ceremoniously opened. It was built by the Marjan Association, the Institution for City Parks and Public Plantations, and the National Committee of the Municipality of Split;

1970. – Društvo Marjan aktivno sudjeluje u izradi Uređajne osnove za Park šumu Marjan koju je izradio Šumarski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu;

The Marjan Association actively participates in the drafting of the Development Plan for the Marjan Forest Park, which was prepared by the Faculty of Forestry, University of Zagreb;

1977. – Društvo se protivi izgradnji na obroncima brda i sa svojim djelovanjem sprječava izgradnju RTV centra na sjevernim padinama;

The Association opposes the commercial development of Marjan and her slopes. With its efforts it successfully prevents the construction of the Radio and Television center on the northern slopes;

1978. – Društvo Marjan je za zasluge odlikovano Zlatnim grbom grada Splita;

The Marjan Association is awarded the Golden Emblem of the City of Split for its merits;

1990. – U zajednici sa Društvom prijatelja kulturne baštine Društvo Marjan obnavlja crkvicu Sv. Nikole;

Together with the Association of Friends of Cultural Heritage, the Marjan Association restores the church of St. Nicola;

1997. – Društvo Marjan obnavlja svoj rad nakon Domovinskog rata, a predsjednik postaje prof. Ivo Lozić;

The Marjan Association resumes its work after the Homeland War, and the president is Professor Ivo Lozić;

2001. – Društvo izdaje reprezentativnu knjigu o Marjanu, “Marjane, naš Marjane” iz pera stručnjaka obrađena su i čitaocima predstavljena poglavlja o povijesti Marjana, šumarstvu, prostornom planiranju, prometu, geologiji, i ukupnom značenju Marjana za grad Split;

The Association publishes a representative book about Marjan, “Marjan, our Marjan”. The book, written by experts, is filled with chapters on the history of Marjan, forestry, spatial planning, traffic, geology, and the overall significance of Marjan for the city of Split;

2002. – Društvo Marjan pokreće inicijativu prema Gradskom vijeću Grada Splita za osnivanje gradske Javne ustanove za upravljanje Park – šumom Marjan;

The Marjan Association lobbies the City of Split for the establishment of the City Public Institution for the Management of Marjan Forest Park;

2003. – Grad Split dodjeljuje Društvu Marjan nagradu Grada Splita  za osobita dostignuća na području zaštite i unapređenja Marjana u 2002. godini;

The City of Split awards the Marjan Association with the 2002 Award of the City of Split for special achievements in the field of protection and promotion of Marjan;

2003. – Zaslugom Društva i splitskih saborskih zastupnika Sabor RH donosi izmjene Zakona o zaštiti prirode čime se stvaraju uvjeti za osnivanje Javne ustanove za upravljanje Park šumom Marjan te na taj način, umjesto Splitsko-dalmatinske županije, Grad Split stječe pravo upravljanja Park šumom Marjan;

Thanks to the Association and Split MPs, the Croatian Parliament amends the Nature Protection Act, which creates conditions for the establishment of the Public Institution for the Management of Marjan Forest Park and thus, instead of Split-Dalmatia County, the City of Split acquires the right to manage Marjan Forest Park;

2003. – Na 100 godina postojanja Društvo Marjan na Marangunićevom šetalištu na području Šantinih stina, postavlja spomen ploču sa stihovima Jakše Fiamenga posvećenih Marjanu;

Marjan Association turns 100! A memorial plaque inscribed with verses by poet Jakša Fiamengo is dedicated to Marjan on Marangunić’s Promenade;

2003. – Društvo uređuje i obnavlja neasfaltirani dio Marangunićevog šetališta od sv. Nikole prema zapadu;

The Association renovates the unpaved part of Marangunić’s Pomenade from Saint Nicola’s to the west;

2004. – Društvo svojim sredstvima obnavlja, uređuje i oprema kamenu kuću u Botaničkom vrtu izgrađenu 1913. godine;

The Association refurbishes, furnishes, and modernizes with its own funds the stone house in the Botanical Garden built in 1913;

Kuća u Botaničkom vrtu

2004. – Društvo Marjan uređuje nalaze crkvice sv. Benedikta na predjelu Bena;

The Marjan Association excavates the ruins of the church of St. Benedict in the Bene area;

2005. – Na inicijativu Društva Marjan osniva se i u veljači započinje s radom Javna ustanova za upravljanje Park šumom Marjan. Društvo Marjan, u dogovoru s Gradom Splitom, omogućilo je Javnoj ustanovi za upravljanje Park šumom Marjan korištenje kata i potkrovlja tek obnovljene kuće u Botaničkom vrtu;

At the initiative of the Marjan Association, the Public Institution for the Management of the Marjan Forest Park is established and begins work in February. The Marjan Association, in agreement with the City of Split, allows the Public Institution to use the floor and attic of the newly renovated house in the Botanical Garden;

2007. – Na traženje Društva i drugih udruga i pojedinaca postavljaju se stupići na spoju Ulice V. Nazora i platoa pored Prve vidilice i time onemogućava parkiranje automobila na platou Prve vidilice;

At the request of the Association and other associations, posts to prevent parking are placed at the junction of V. Nazora Street and the plateau next to Prva vidilica [First lookout];

2007. – Društvo Marjan u suradnji s drugim udrugama civilnog društva okupljenih u Koordinaciju udruga Građanska inicijativa Za Split organizira potpisivanje peticije protiv najavljenih izmjena i dopune GUP-a kojima se između ostalog planira višestruko veća gradnja na mjestu postojećeg Meštrovićevog ateljea;

The Marjan Association, in cooperation with other civil associations gathered in the Coordination of Civic Initiatives for Split organizes the signing of a petition against the city’s plans to increase construction on the site of the sculptor Ivan Meštrović´s Studio;

2010. – Društvo organizira dvije javne tribine naziva “Kako zaštiti Marjan od gradnje” i “Park šuma ili Parking šuma Marjan”;

The Association organizes two public forums entitled “How to protect Marjan from construction” and “Forest Park or Marjan Forest Parking?”;

2010. – Na inicijativu Društva Marjan Splitsko – dalmatinska županija donosi odluku o izradi Prostornog plana područja posebnih obilježja (PPPPO) Park šume Marjan;

The Marjan Association successfully pressures the Split-Dalmatia County to develop the Spatial Plan of the ​​Special features Area (PPPPO) for Marjan Forest Park;

2011. – Društvo Marjan sudjeluje u organizaciji velikog prosvjeda protiv gradnje restorana na Prvoj vodi;

The Marjan Association participates in the organization of a large protest against the construction of a restaurant on Prva Voda beach;

2011. – Gradsko vijeće Grada Splita prihvaća prijedlog Društva Marjan da se sva sredstva namijenjena za tekuće održavanje Park šume Marjan (do tada su sredstva koristili Parkovi i nasadi d.o.o.) preusmjere na Javnu ustanovu za upravljanje Park – šumom, koja je u tu svhu i osnovana 2005. godine;

The City Council of the City of Split accepts the proposal of the Marjan Association that all funds intended for the ongoing maintenance of Marjan Forest Park be redirected to the Public Institution for Marjan Forest Park Management which was established for that purpose in 2005 (until 2011 the funds were used by the Parks Department of the City of Split);

2012. – Društvo Marjan u suradnji s Inicijativom Za Marjan izrađuje mapu s ucrtanim kulturnim dobrima u granicama Park šume Marjan;

The Marjan Association, in cooperation with the newly established Initiative For Marjan, creates a map showing all the cultural assets within the boundaries of the Marjan Forest Park;

2012. – Kod zgrade Muzeja hrvatskih arheoloških spomenika Društvo Marjan postavlja  “jumbo” plakat s označenim kulturnim dobrima u Park šumi Marjan. Iste godine Društvo izrađuje i upućuje Ministarstvu kulture elaborat kojim zahtjeva proglašenje Park šume Marjan kulturnim dobrom nacionalnog značenja;

At the Museum of Croatian Archaeological Monuments, the Marjan Association puts up a “jumbo” poster highlighting cultural assets in the Marjan Forest Park. In the same year, the Association prepared a study for the Ministry of Culture supporting the proclamation of the Marjan Forest Park as a cultural asset of national significance;

2013. – Na inicijativu Društva Marjan veliki dio Park šume Marjan postaje preventivno zaštićena kulturno-povijesna cjelina Kulturni krajolik poluotoka Marjan;

At the initiative of the Marjan Association, a large part of the Marjan Forest Park becomes a preventively protected cultural and historical unit. It is named the Cultural Landscape of the Marjan Peninsula;

2013. – Društvo Marjan izrađuje i javno prezentira “Kodeks za Marjan” namijenjen kandidatima za gradonačelnika, s ciljem da svojim potpisima uz navođenje rokova zajamče rješavanja dvadestpet (25) otvorenih pitanja u Park šumi Marjan;

The Marjan Association drafts and publicly presents the “Marjan Code” intended for mayoral candidates, with the aim of guaranteeing the resolution of twenty-five open issues related to the Marjan Forest Park with their signatures and deadlines;

2013. – Dva člana Društva Marjan postaju predsjednik i članica Upravnog vijeća Javne ustanove za upravljanje Park – šumom Marjan;

Two members of the Marjan Association become the president and a member of the Managing Board of the Public Institution for Marjan Forest Park Management;

2014.Na inicijativu Društva Marjan obnavlja se skalinada, kamene kolonade i parter  Šetališta Luke Botića i Prve vidilice, postavlja se rasvjeta duž cijelog šetališta i kamena ploča na podnožju platoa vidilice s natpisom Prva vidilica;

At the initiative of the Marjan Association, the staircase, stone colonnades and the ground floor of the Luka Botić Promenade and Prva vidilica (First Lookout) are renovated, lighting is installed along the entire promenade and a stone slab at the foot of the vidilica plateau with the inscription Prva vidilica;

2014. – Dva člana Društva Marjan podnose neopozive ostavke na funkcije predsjednika i članica Upravnog vijeća Javne ustanove za upravljanje Park – šumom Marjan zbog neregiranja gradonačelnika i gradskih vijećnika na utvrđene nezakonitosti u radu  Javne ustanove;

The two members of the Marjan Association submit irrevocable resignations from the positions of president and member of the Managing Board of the Public Institution for Marjan. They resign due to the lack of response from the mayor and city councilors to the uncovered illegalities taking place within the Public Institution;

2014. – Na inicijativu Društva Marjan veliki dio Park šume Marjan postaje trajno zaštićena kulturno-povijesna cjelina Kulturni krajolik poluotoka Marjan i  Kulturno-povijesna cjelina Meje;

At the initiative of the Marjan Association, a large part of the Marjan Forest Park becomes a permanently protected cultural and historical unit – the Cultural Landscape of the Marjan Peninsula and the Cultural and Historical Unit of Meje;

Rješenje od 06.10.2014. – Kulturno-povijesna cjelina Meje

Decision of 06.10.2014 – Cultural and Historical Unit of Meje

Rješenje od 22.10.2014. – Kulturni krajolik

Decision of 22.10.2014 – Cultural Landscape

2014. – Društvo Marjan organizira javnu tribinu naziva “Zašto je Društvo Marjan podiglo kaznenu prijavu”;

2014 – The Marjan Association organizes a public forum entitled “Why the Marjan Association filed a criminal complaint”;

2014. – Društvo Marjan izrađuje dvojezičnu veliku turističku mapu Park šume Marjan, dimenzija 680 X 480 mm, s označenim toponimima i ucrtanim svim znamenitostima, putevima, kulturnim dobrima, crkvicama, izvorima pitke vode, kupalištima, udaljenostima pojedinih lokacija od centra grada;

Marjan Association creates a large bilingual tourist map of Marjan Forest Park, with marked toponyms as well as all sights, roads and paths, cultural assets, churches, drinking water taps, beaches, and distances of individual locations from the city center;

2014.Na inicijativu i traženje Društva Marjan u spomen na ing. Petra Senjanovića u parteru označen pješački pravac između monumentalnih skala na Trumbićevoj obali i Botićevog šetališta na Dražancu;

At the initiative and request of the Marjan Association, and in the memory of the engineer Petar Senjanović, a pedestrian route was marked between the monumental rocks on Trumbić’s Coast and Botić’s Promenade in Dražanac Street;

2015. – Društvo Marjan postaje partner Udruzi za prirodu, okoliš i održivi razvoj Sunce u EU projektu “Odgovorno za prirodu”;

Marjan Association becomes a partner of the Association for Nature, Environment and Sustainable Development Sunce in the EU project “Responsibly for Nature”;

2015.U kiosku Društva Marjan na Prvoj vidilici održana izložba fotografija “Moderan grad” autorice Duške Boban;

An exhibition of photographs “Modern City” by member Duška Boban is held in the kiosk of the Marjan Association at Prva vidilica;

2015. – Članica Upravnog odbora Društva Marjan Duška Boban predstavila u New Yorku na Summer Residency Program “Impact! Design for Social Change: Implementing Imapact! Strategies for Creative Intervention” kiosk Društva Marjan kao potencijalno mjesto nove kulturne platforme koja bi okupljala građane i kreativne kolektiva oko različitih tema održivog razvoja grada te ostvaruje kontakt s Central Park Conservancy – New York;

At the New York Summer Residency Program “Design for Social Change: Implementing Impact – Strategies for Creative Intervention”, Duška Boban, member of the Managing Board of the Marjan Association, presented the Marjan Association’s Prva vidilica kiosk as a potential place for a new cultural platform that would bring together citizens and creative collectives around various topics of sustainable development of the city. Contact was made with Central Park Conservancy – New York;

2016. – Uz sudjelovanje i pomoć Društva Marjan izrađen elaborat “Procjena stanja šuma u Park šumi Marjan u Splitu“, autora ovlaštenog sudskog vještaka za šumarstvo Milana Arvaya – stanje šume zabrinjavajuće;

With the participation and assistance of the Marjan Association, an “Assessment of the forest condition of the Marjan Forest Park in Split” is made, authored by certified forensic forestry expert Milan Arvay. The condition of the forest is declared as worrying;

2016.U kiosku Društva Marjan na Prvoj vidilici prikazan video rad “Brand New Chimney” autorice Alemke Đivoje;

The video work “Brand New Chimney” by artist Alemka Đivoje is shown at the Marjan Association kiosk;

2017. – Uz sudjelovanje i pomoć Društva Marjan izrađena studija “Procjena usluga ekosustava Park šume Marjan u Splitu“, autora prof. Ivice Tikvića sa Šumarskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. Studija je prvi stručni rad za pojedinačni šumski ekosustav u Hrvatskoj;

With the participation and assistance of the Marjan Association, an “Assessment of Marjan Forest Park Ecosystem Services” is prepared by Professor Ivica Tikvić from the Faculty of Forestry, University of Zagreb. The study is the first professional paper for an individual forest ecosystem in Croatia;

2017. – Povodom Dana Marjana ispred kioska Društva Marjan na Prvoj vidilici predstavljeni rezultati aktivnosti EU projekta “Odgovorno za prirodu” održavanjem izložba o vrijednostima i zabrinjavajućem stanju šume u Park šumi Marjan;

On the occasion of Marjan Day, in front of the Marjan Association kiosk, the results of the activities of the EU project “Responsibly for Nature ” are presented at the Kiosk through exhibitions on the values ​​and the worrying condition of the forest in Marjan Forest Park;

2017. Izrađena brošura s mapom i promotivni video “Marjan za dušu i tilo“;

A brochure and promotional video are produced – ” Marjan for soul and body”;

2017. Izrađena brošura s mapom i promotivni video “Marjan za dušu i tilo“;

A brochure and promotional video are produced – ” Marjan for soul and body”;

2017.Održana javna tribina “Park šuma Marjan – stanje i budućnost šume”;

Public forum “Marjan Forest Park – state and future of the forest” is organized;